Ecosaurus is a family of projects by CWN Design, a web consultancy with bases in England, Scotland and Wales.
CWN Design began life in the early days of the web in 1994 building websites primarily for organisations in the environmental and community sectors.
The company subsequently expanded its reach to do work for a wide range of small and medium businesses and organisations across the UK and into Europe.
CWN Design has now come full circle back to its roots with this new Ecosaurus project.
We hope Ecosaurus can help spread information through the medium of video about the major ecological threats the world is currently facing, and the potential solutions that are available to help the planet get back on track to a more sustainable future.
As a company we are striving to be as planet positive as possible.
We keep business travel to an absolute minimum through remote working and online meetings, we have almost totally eliminated the use of paper in our offices, we keep our electricity usage as low as possible, we strive to consume organic food and drink as much as we can, and we plant trees – over 10,000 so far.
Currently, we are looking to join Ecologi to account for and mitigate, the environmental impact of our business even further. More on that soon…